Truebeck Rolls Out New Safety Technology


As we move deeper into the digital age, we’re finding new ways to enhance safety practices. We’ve already seen other industries use automated dashboards to track metrics like sales, but what about the health and wellness of teams?

Challenge of the Safety Industry

Lack of data is an Achilles heel for any industry. Uniformed decisions can have disastrous consequences, so companies invest heavily into data reports to analyze key metrics.

When no such data is readily presentable or easy to interpret, a common practice is to utilize industry standards. For example, in the construction industry the most common injury is falling. However, as a general contractor, Truebeck Construction is unique with an above industry average safety record. Are falls the most common injury for Truebeck and its trade partners?

That is why Truebeck is rolling out the first ever of its kind, a safety dashboard in ProCore.

Data Truebeck Can See

With this new dashboard, Truebeck’s safety team can track safety incidents and interpret them with an easy-to-use visual display. Truebeck can track injuries by:

  • Job site
  • Trade partner
  • Specific type
  • Treatment needed
  • Physical location

The new dashboard can allow users to home in on each of these specific areas. It can generate graphs that allow the team to look at trends over periods of time. There is even a model of a human body with highlighted locations showing which parts of the body receive the most injury.

How This Makes Truebeck a Better GC

With this technology, Truebeck is prepared to address specific trends they see internally. If a certain job site is showing concerning signs, Truebeck’s safety team can address issues before serious problems arise.

Likewise, Truebeck can monitor its trade partners. It will be easier to determine which trade partners consistently demonstrate an ability to follow Truebeck’s safety protocols. This will  lead to Truebeck selecting the best trade partners for their clients on future projects.

While these are just a couple examples of how Truebeck will use the dashboard, ultimately the purpose of the dashboard is to get data into the hands of decision makers faster than before.

This customized dashboard will provide specific results for Truebeck. As a general contractor with an impressive safety record, reliance on industry averages cannot produce the information necessary to enhance Truebeck’s safety procedures.

Truebeck’s Commitment and Success with Safety

This dashboard was built internally by the Truebeck Construction Technology and Innovation (CTI) team. The passion of Truebeck’s Safety team to care for their field team and the trade partners they work with sparked this innovative push.

As a general contractor, Truebeck has been given numerous safety awards by organizations like the Construction Employers’ Association and the Associated General Contractors of America. Its current safety practices have led to Truebeck possessing one of the best safety records in the industry. Many job sites are even Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) designated by the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal OSHA).

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